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ProLon vs Kroma: Our Experience (2024)

Prolon vs Kroma: Comparing two popular 5-day reset programs, Kroma Wellness and ProLon differ in approach and foundation. Kroma offers 5-day and 1-day reset programs focusing on nourishing with superfoods, aiming for benefits like slimming, better sleep, and sustained weight loss.

Article Summary

Prolon vs Kroma: Comparing two popular 5-day reset programs, Kroma Wellness and ProLon differ in approach and foundation. Kroma offers 5-day and 1-day reset programs focusing on nourishing with superfoods, aiming for benefits like slimming, better sleep, and sustained weight loss.

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Rob's extensive expertise in evidence-based weight loss interventions, backed by rigorous peer-reviewed research, has established him as a credible authority in the field. As a clinical research associate (CRA), Rob has tested new applications for their effectiveness, risks and benefits to ensure that they are safe for consumers.

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Article updated on:

June 20, 2024

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  • Through meticulously designed, pre-portioned meals, ProLon triggers a fasting state in the body without a total abstention from food, offering a fusion of nourishment and the benefits of fasting.

On Prolon's website.

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Quick Comparison
& Insights

Prolon provides a 5-day fasting mimicking diet with pre-packaged plant-based meals, while Kroma offers more flexibility with a 5-day reset focused on flooding the body with superfood nutrition. Prolon is backed by extensive clinical research on the benefits of fasting.

$385-$495 5-day reset
$250 for a 5-day meal kit
Kroma allows customization with additional foods
Pre-packaged meals so requires little prep
Protocols and guidance for different health goals
Online community and health coaching
Kroma aims to reset habits and promote long-term wellness
Clinical trials show ProLon induces benefits of fasting including weight loss
Prolon mimics fasting through precise calorie restriction and nutrients
Kroma focuses on flooding the body with superfood nutrition
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Quick Comparison
& Insights

Prolon provides a 5-day fasting mimicking diet with pre-packaged plant-based meals, while Kroma offers more flexibility with a 5-day reset focused on flooding the body with superfood nutrition. Prolon is backed by extensive clinical research on the benefits of fasting.

$385-$495 5-day reset
$250 for a 5-day meal kit
Pre-packaged meals so requires little prep
Pre-packaged meals so requires little prep
Protocols and guidance for different health goals
Online community and health coaching
Kroma aims to reset habits and promote long-term wellness
Clinical trials show ProLon induces benefits of fasting including weight loss
Prolon mimics fasting through precise calorie restriction and nutrients
Kroma focuses on flooding the body with superfood nutrition
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‍When comparing Prolon vs Kroma, users want to know which program offers a more effective and enjoyable approach to fasting and nutrition.

Both programs provide structured fasting mimicking diets, but they differ in their meal offerings, nutritional focus, and overall user experience.

In this article, we will delve into the key features, user feedback, and health benefits of each program to help you determine which one best suits your dietary preferences and wellness goals. Check current price of Prolon Fast Mimicking here.

Key Takeaways
  • ProLon and Kroma offer structured dietary programs aimed at promoting health, weight loss, and longevity.
  • While ProLon adopts a fast-mimicking diet approach, Kroma emphasizes clean eating and nutritional resets.
  • Target audience and program customization are key differentiators between the two programs.
  • Both programs have found their own set of endorsements and credibility in the wellness community.
  • User experiences with both programs have generally been positive, with noticeable benefits in energy levels, weight loss, and overall well-being.


ProLon vs Kroma

Kroma Wellness and ProLon differ in approach and foundation. Kroma offers 5-day and 1-day reset programs focusing on nourishing with superfoods, aiming for benefits like slimming, better sleep, and sustained weight loss.

ProLon, meanwhile, has a 5-day fasting mimicking diet backed by 32 clinical trials, emphasizing cellular rejuvenation and metabolic reset.

prolon vs kroma

While Kroma champions superfood nutrition crafted by health experts, ProLon highlights rigorous scientific evidence. Customer feedback shows ProLon with more detailed reviews, having over 80% 5-star ratings. In essence, ProLon leans heavily on its clinical research for fasting benefits, while Kroma underscores superfood ingredients and flexibility.

Aspect Kroma ProLon
Product Offerings 5-day reset program, 1-day reset, a la carte daily essentials like smoothies, lattes, and elixirs. Provides 9 meals and snacks per day. 5-day fasting mimicking diet program, 1-day reset kit, line of everyday nutrition products. Provides 5 meal boxes with soups, bars, olives, crackers, supplements, and teas.
Program Duration 5-day reset program, 1-day reset option. 5-day fasting mimicking diet, 1-day reset kit.
Benefits and Goals Whole body resetting through nourishing superfoods. Goals include slimming and debloating, better sleep, mental clarity, sustained weight loss, improved energy and digestion. Goals are cellular rejuvenation, metabolic reset, fat-focused weight loss, lean muscle protection, healthier skin, mental clarity, and longevity through fasting mimicking.
Scientific Basis Designed by doctors and nutritionists using functional, superfood nutrition. No specific clinical trials highlighted. Conducted 32 clinical trials at 18 research institutions. Emphasizes scientific evidence behind products.
Customer Reviews Limited customer reviews, though positive on benefits of the program. Many detailed customer reviews, with over 80% rating the program 5 stars based on fasting mimicking benefits.


Core Concepts and Development

ProLon's Foundation

ProLon's approach is rooted in a fast-mimicking diet (FMD), a concept backed by 14 years of rigorous research and 16 clinical studies. The underlying principle is autophagy, a cellular rejuvenation process that earned a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016.

Through meticulously designed, pre-portioned meals, ProLon triggers a fasting state in the body without a total abstention from food, offering a fusion of nourishment and the benefits of fasting.

Aspect Description
Program Duration 5 days
Dietary Approach Fast-mimicking diet
Core Principle Autophagy
Development Duration 14 years
Clinical Studies 16

Kroma's Philosophy

On the other hand, Kroma, envisioned by Lisa Odenweller in 2021, embraces a different dietary approach. It's a 5-Day Nutritional Reset program focusing on clean eating with a dash of superfoods to spur a health metamorphosis. Kroma is not just about temporary change; it's about integrating wholesome, functional superfoods into daily life, making healthy eating a delightful endeavor rather than a chore.

Aspect Description
Program Duration 5 days
Dietary Approach Clean eating and nutritional reset
Founder Lisa Odenweller
Launch Year 2021

Program Offerings

Delve into ProLon

ProLon's offerings are a blend of science and nutrition, encapsulated in a 5-Day Nutri-Technology program. It's not just about curbing your food intake; it's about what you eat. The program is crafted to transition your body into a fasting state, with each meal designed to nourish without triggering food-sensing pathways. Prolon offers gluten free food that wil mimick a state of fasting to achieve various benefits.

This approach aims to harness the benefits of fasting such as enhanced energy levels, weight loss, and healthy aging, all while keeping you nourished.


Kroma's Offer

Kroma's 5-Day Reset is a canvas of customization. It's not a one-size-fits-all; it’s tailored to resonate with your dietary preferences and goals. With three protocols—Lifestyle, Lean, or Active, each differing in total calorie count and add-ons, Kroma offers a taste of variety and a journey towards a healthier you.

It’s about resetting, restoring, and healing, with each meal packed in a visually appealing box, making healthy eating an enticing endeavor.

Target Audience

ProLon's Appeal

ProLon comes off as more approachable for individuals new to fasting. Its structured, pre-portioned meal kits ease the journey into the fasting realm, making it less daunting for novices. The focus here is more on the science of fasting, appealing to those keen on a research-backed dietary regimen.

Kroma's Crowd

Kroma, with its glamorous packaging and organic, supremely clean foods, seems to cater to the LA crowd. It’s more about a lifestyle change, a segue into clean eating, and less about the rigors of fasting. Its allure is in its simplicity and the promise of a healthier, more vibrant you without delving deep into the scientific nuances of fasting.


Accessibility and Support

Accessibility is pivotal for the success of any dietary program. Both ProLon and Kroma have streamlined the process by delivering meals right to your doorstep. However, ProLon takes it up a notch by offering coaching along with their plans, providing a guiding hand through your fasting journey.

Kroma isn’t far behind with its app, offering added support to ensure you stay on track. When it comes to price, ProLon emerges as the more affordable option, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Aspect ProLon Kroma
Meal Delivery Yes Yes
Coaching Support Yes No (App Support)
Price More Affordable Higher

Credibility and Endorsements

ProLon's Scientific Backing

ProLon's fast-mimicking diet is rooted in science with over a decade of research and clinical trials backing its efficacy. Spearheaded by Dr. Valter Longo, a recognized leader in aging and nutrition, ProLon's approach is designed to induce a state of fasting while still providing the body with essential nutrients. This unique approach has caught the attention of the wellness community, garnering endorsements from healthcare professionals.


Kroma's Clean Eating Philosophy

Kroma's philosophy is hinged on clean eating and nutritional reset. Although it may not have the extensive scientific backing that ProLon boasts, its clean and transparent approach to nutrition has earned it a place in the hearts of wellness enthusiasts. Kroma's endorsement primarily comes from the user community who appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness of its 5-day reset program.

Factor Description
Philosophy Clean eating and nutritional reset
Scientific Backing Limited
User Endorsements Yes

User Experiences

ProLon: A Dive into Autophagy

Users have reported experiencing enhanced energy levels, weight loss, and improved metabolic markers post the 5-day ProLon program. The meticulously crafted meals, although limited in variety, are said to be satiating and effective in curbing hunger pangs during the fasting mimicry phase.

User Feedback Description
Energy Levels Enhanced
Weight Loss Reported
Metabolic Markers Improved


Kroma: A Journey of Nutritional Reset

Users diving into the Kroma experience have appreciated the program's focus on clean eating, the variety in meal options, and the ease of integrating the program into their daily routine. The aesthetically appealing packaging and the quality of ingredients have also been a highlight of user feedback.

User FeedbackDescriptionMeal VarietyAppreciatedEase of IntegrationReportedPackaging & IngredientsHigh Quality

While Kroma's 5-Day Reset provides a stepping stone towards clean eating, it's the long-term integration of these healthy eating habits that will yield sustained benefits. We believe the true value of Kroma lies in its ability to instill a mindset of mindful eating beyond the 5-day journey.

Cost Factor


ProLon's program comes with a definitive price tag, but many find the cost justified given the scientific backing and the potential health benefits it offers. The program's cost includes pre-packaged meals for five days, and often, there are discounts or promotions available making it a bit more accessible.

Cost and Where to Buy

ProLon FMD is priced at a premium, reflecting the research and formulation behind the product. It's available for purchase on the official website and some other online platforms. Discounts are often available for recurring subscriptions or multiple purchases.

  • One-Time Order: $190
  • Subscription Option: $170 every 4 months (Save $20)
  • You can add a Signature Water Bottle: $7.50
  • HSA/FSA eligible



On the flip side, Kroma's pricing is on the higher end, reflecting the quality of ingredients and the customization it offers. However, some users might find the cost a barrier to entry, especially for a 5-day program. Here is a breakdown of the costs associated with the Kroma 5-Day Reset programs:

The 5-Day Reset: Deluxe

  1. Cost: $450
  2. With Subscription: $405
  3. Description: This package is described as the ultimate Kroma Reset experience with essential tools and tasty add-ons. It seems to be ideal for first-time users.

The 5-Day Reset: Signature

  1. Cost: $395
  2. With Subscription: $355.50
  3. Description: This option aims to help users re-establish healthy habits with functional nutrition. The program is both convenient and enjoyable.

The 5-Day Reset: Refill

  1. Cost: $385
  2. With Subscription: $346.50
  3. Description: Designed for experienced Resetters and Subscribers, this package includes 45 meals and beverages suitable for everyday use.

Additional Insights:

  1. Subscription Discount: The subscription option offers a discount, which can lead to savings in the long run for regular users.
  2. Design Insight: The pricing strategy appears to be tiered, catering to different user needs – from first-time users to regulars.


  • The Deluxe option is the most expensive but seems to offer more tools and add-ons, making it unique from the other options.
  • The Signature and Refill options are more closely priced, but the Refill seems to cater more to those who are already familiar with the program.

Key Factors for Decision

  • First-time vs. Returning: New users might benefit from the Deluxe package with its additional tools and add-ons. Returning users or those familiar with the program might lean towards the Refill option.
  • Budget: While the differences in prices are not substantial, users on a tighter budget might opt for the Refill package, especially with the subscription discount.
It's also worth noting that the prices mentioned are specific to the 5-Day Reset programs, and there may be other costs associated with other products or services offered by Kroma Wellness.


So Which Program Is Better?

ProLon and Kroma underscore the importance of diet in wellness, but holistic well-being extends beyond diet to include exercise, mental health, and regular medical check-ups. It's the amalgamation of these elements that cultivates a wholesome lifestyle.

After our experience with the 5-day fasting program, it's unequivocal that ProLon stands out as the premier choice in the market. The structured approach, scientifically-backed methodology, and clear results set ProLon apart from its competitors. Every facet of the ProLon experience – from the tastefully curated meals to the noticeable benefits of mental clarity and energy – was meticulously crafted, bearing testament to the rigorous research and dedication behind the program.

The ProLon 5-day fasting program isn't just a dietary choice; it's an investment in holistic health and well-being. While other programs may offer similar promises, ProLon delivers, making it an unparalleled choice for those serious about reaping the full rewards of a fasting regimen. If you want to learn more about Prolon - you can view our in depth review here.


Frequently Asked Questions

What sets ProLon apart from Kroma?

  • ProLon is scientifically backed and focuses on a fast-mimicking diet to trigger autophagy, a cellular rejuvenation process.
  • Kroma emphasizes clean eating and provides a more customized, visually appealing dietary program.

Are there any side effects associated with these programs?

  • Both programs are designed to be safe, but individuals with specific health conditions should consult with a healthcare provider before embarking on either program.

How do the costs of ProLon and Kroma compare?

  • ProLon is often seen as more affordable while Kroma is on the higher end of the price spectrum.


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Eat Different with Prolon Fasting

Through meticulously designed, pre-portioned meals, ProLon triggers a fasting state in the body without a total abstention from food, offering a fusion of nourishment and the benefits of fasting.

On Prolon's website.

Eat Different with Prolon Fasting

Through meticulously designed, pre-portioned meals, ProLon triggers a fasting state in the body without a total abstention from food, offering a fusion of nourishment and the benefits of fasting.

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